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(Recipe provided by Sage Thompson)

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1 Hour




  • 1lb of Almond Bark

  • 1lb of Chocolate Bark

  • 1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter


  1. Line a cook sheet with wax paper.

  2. Melt chocolate bark and pour onto cookie sheet.

  3. Melt almond bark and peanut butter together.

  4. Pour almond and peanut butter mixture into the cookie sheet on top of the melted chocolate. 

  5. Using a utensil of your choice swirl the chocolate, almond, and peanut butter mixture together. (Feel free to make a creative design if you would like)

  6. Place cookie sheet in the freezer until the bark hardens.

  7. Once hard remove cookie sheet from the freezer and cut bark into pieces the size you desire. 

Who We Are

We are a small Southern Baptist Church located in Liberty MS with a desire to do the work of the Lord by seeking to live by His Word, love others, help those in need, and bring others into His Kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all who put their faith in Him. He is the one and only Son of God who gave His life for the forgiveness of sin. There is salvation in no other.


We believe in the Holy Spirt as the counselor promised by Jesus to indwell in and counsel those who faithfully follow Him.


We believe in water baptism as commanded by Jesus for those who put their faith in Him. Not for salvation but as a sign of our faithfulness to Jesus and a symbol of being washed of our sins. 


We believe in the partaking of the Lord's supper in remembrance of the body of Jesus given for us and the blood of Jesus shed for the forgiveness of sins until He takes those who are His home to be with Him.

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