Each person should do as he has decided in his heart--not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
A Message From the Pastor
This question is simple enough but may bring forth a few different answers. It may be best to first talk about the reasons we shouldn't give before we talk about the reason we should. Some give from obligation. They feel that they must, they really don't desire to, but forcefully do it anyway. While some Christians do not believe there is any relevant New Testament command telling us to give, there are others that believe the Old Testament commands on giving are applicable to Christians today. Without breaking down that topic here, I do want to point out that Christians from both camps still give just the same. Another reason people sometimes give is because they feel like they will get something in return. That type of giving is not with the focus of giving to the Lord or giving to help others, rather it is because it is thought that if I give this much maybe God will give me way more in return. That may indeed be the case, God may bless you a hundred fold for what you give or He may not. The problem with this mindset is that if you are only giving for what you will receive in return, and you don't receive what you think you should in return, then you may stop giving to the Lord, but if that is the case you probably really weren't giving for the Lord anyway, you were simply giving for you. Our giving should never be because we "have to" nor should it be because we think it will benefit us. Our giving should always be for the Lord's glory and the Lord's kingdom. As David says in 1 Chronicles 29:14 "we have given You only what comes from Your own hand." Everything we have is from the Lord. When we give we are only giving back to Him what is already His to begin with.
All money received goes into the general fund and is used for any expenses to keep the church going or for any number of ministries we have going on. We believe it is very important to give back to those we encounter who have a need. That includes both local and international efforts. Over the last several years we have given back to many in need. We have helped to provide for children at an orphanage in Haiti, the Free Burma Rangers, the Mississippi Baptist Children's Village, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry, the homeless in New Orleans, as well as many individuals and families in our community by helping with medical bill, providing food, building wheelchair ramps, and many other causes. Those are some of the places your money goes. You are always welcome to be part of any of our active ministries if you would like to see how the Lord is using His money.
In the past I have been asked if it is ok to give to others in need directly as opposed to giving to the church if you can't afford to do both. The answer to this question may differ depending on who you ask. I believe it is a matter of conviction. I believe the Lord desires for us to help others should we be able to. If you have limited funds and can only give to the church or give to a need you encounter then I would pray and ask for God's guidance. I believe using your money for the Lord's work whether in the church or on the need you encounter is one and the same. If we are giving from what we have for the glory of God then I believe we are doing the right thing. This of course is merely my conviction, you must live by yours. If you feel convicted that you must give your money to a church somewhere, so be it. Whether we are giving out of conviction to the needy or to the church, our conviction on such matters is usually from a heart that desires to serve the Lord and that is what God really wants from us.
Below are several options should you wish to give to support God's work at this church. You can always give in person by visiting the church. Even if you are unable to give we would still love to have you join us just the same, our goal here is not to make money but to use what God gives us for His kingdom. You can also give by check or cash through the mail at the address listed below. If you would like to give online you can also do that below by clicking on the DONATE button. If you would like to support a specific ministry we currently have going on please make a note of that with your donation.
Ways to give
In Person
Sundays @ 11am
Wednesdays @ 6pm